Meridian Fundamentals
TCM / Traditional Chinese Medicine can get complicated. The meridian system is a case in point. So let’s simplify it.
Meridians are energy channels that are used in acupuncture. Needles placed strategically along the energy line promote flow of energy and the smooth running of its connected organ.
View the body as a house electrical system with your spine as the main fuse board. All of the energy circuits in the body feed into it and are connected to each other at this source.
If you have an electrical problem in the kitchen it can be within that space or on the electrical pathway to and from the fuse board. So if you have stomach issues the problem might be anywhere along the associated meridian to and from the spine. Once you are aware of the basic layout and geography of the meridians in the body you can take measures to rectify imbalance when it shows itself.
There are some 59 meridians to work with but let’s take the primary 12. That gives you plenty to work with and is still a comprehensive tool kit. 6 run to and from the hands and 6 to and from the feet. They are bilateral and running down both sides of the body. Their map as they run through arms, legs, torso and head gives you a comprehensive network covering the whole body.
Happily there are many ways to get the energy flowing apart from needles. The shape and movement you make in QiGong / Chi Kung is an excellent example…but that’s another story.