Spirit Animals & modern day applications
Connecting to animals for support and guidance has been and still is used in many cultures around the world. Spirit animals and applications in modern day life are no less valid now than they were before.
Each species of animal has very unique characteristics governed by how and where it has to live and survive. By focusing on that energy we highlight and reflect that attribute or aspect within ourselves.
Each of us has a unique character that is likely to align with certain traits of one or more spirit animal throughout our life. In addition certain one off challenges might call upon different strengths to be utilised that are represented by other animals. Dreams can often contain animals as symbols and messengers.
The badger is an excellent example here in the UK. If you meet one on a road at night it will stand its ground and take on your car! We see many dead badgers as a result. It has the energy of aggression and assertion. If we imagine it protecting its young from predators we see how that can be used positively. It will often come up in my therapy work to help people be more assertive and aggressive rather than the other way round.
Navigating and utilising this field of possibility can give us structure to work by in different situations. It can be an important self developmental tool and help us to better understand our own strengths and our weaknesses. Meditation and visualisation techniques are often used to facilitate this.
I’ve worked for many years using this medium. My workshops on this topic help people discover their own power, totem and spirit animals. Feel free to contact me if this sounds of interest or sign up to our mailing list.